We want you! - Send your Movie!

Would you like to join us? If you’re a director, producer, or distributor, showcase your work on Cinemashort and connect with the world of independent cinema. Fill out the form below to get in touch with us and share your masterpiece. By choosing to submit your work for free on Cinemashort, you’ll retain full ownership of your rights and grant permission only for broadcasting.
We look forward to promoting your creativity and sharing it with audiences.
Vuoi unirti a noi? Se sei regista, produttore o distributore, pubblica i tuoi lavori su Cinemashort e connettiti con il mondo del cinema indipendente. Compila il modulo qui sotto per contattarci e condividere la tua opera. Se sceglierai di inserire gratuitamente il tuo lavoro su Cinemashort, manterrai la piena proprietà dei tuoi diritti e concederai solo il permesso per la messa in onda.
Non vediamo l’ora di promuovere la tua creatività e farla apprezzare agli spettatori.

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    © 2022 CINEMASHORT.COM – All Rights Reserved.
    Cinemashort is a platform dedicated to independent cinema, offering viewers the opportunity to discover a wide selection of the most beautiful short films from around the world. Through collaboration with directors and partners, Cinemashort provides a variety of high-quality cinematic works free of charge, allowing cinema enthusiasts to explore and enjoy unique and engaging experiences.

    All videos on this platform are trademarks of and all related images are the property of LM MEDIA.
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